Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Facing South Florida explores the politics of climate change

Research shows that an overwhelming majority of likely Florida voters believe global warming is real. It shows that they are worried about climate change, believing it poses a threat to all of us, and believe it will harm future generations. And, they believe Congress should be doing more about the threat. So, if Florida voters believe all this to be true, why has this become such a highly partisan issue with Republican members of Congress routinely voting against climate change measures.
That is the focus of this special edition of Facing, where CBS News Miami’s Jim DeFede and his guests explore the Politics of Climate Change.
Guests: Bob Inglis/ Founder, Republic-EN, Former South Carolina Congressman
Susan Glickman/ VP, The Cleo Institute
Nathaniel Stinnett/Founder, Environmental Voter Project
