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Chinese vice premier says nation on course for bumper grain harvest

ZHENGZHOU, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) — Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong said on Sunday that China is on course for another bumper grain harvest this year after farmers and cadres at all levels across the country worked hard to overcome the adverse impacts of natural disasters and realize increased summer grain output and the steady production of early rice.
Liu, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks during a tour to Lankao in central China’s Henan Province, where he attended a national main event celebrating the seventh Chinese farmers’ harvest festival.
Liu called for solid efforts in promoting comprehensive rural revitalization by implementing the policies and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee so as to lay the foundation for the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, as well as for building China into an agricultural powerhouse.
During the event, Liu also went to an exhibition showcasing the achievements through learning from and applying the experience of the Green Rural Revival Program, and saw the display of high-quality agricultural products and rural craftsman skills.
Liu also called for persistent efforts in farm field management, disaster monitoring, early warning, as well as disaster prevention and response during the autumn grain harvest season. ■
